With two rotundas affording wondrous views of the encircling Wasatch Range, this sky-high, 5,500-square-foot event center at the nation’s largest ski resort is comprised of modules based on 100- square-foot triangles, resulting in a geometric layout.

Our Part

  • Two irregular dodecahedral (12 sided) timber structures with 30’ clear span conical roofs

  • All engineered timber joinery consists of custom fabricated knife plate style connections

  • 68 sheets steel shop drawings, approx. 300 custom steel shapes

  • 2 HDG steel 6’ 6” diameter compression rings

  • 2,000 plus bolt sets

  • 145 timbers, comprising over 9,000 board feet
  • Design Loading Criteria

  • Roof snow load (yurt roofs): 217 PSF

  • Wind: 90 MPH, Exposure C

  • Seismic Design Category D

  • Seismic Site Class D
  • Project Partners

  • ARCHITECT - Skylab Architecture
  • ENGINEER - Quantum Consulting Engineers
  • Method Homes
  • Interested in the story behind this project and how it was constructed? We’re eager to share more.